Friday, February 21, 2020

The Traveling Office

As an adjunct professor you rarely have much of an office.  You might have access to printer services or a printer.  You may have a desk and a room.  But much of the time, you have nothing.  So what's an adjunct to do?

I have heard of people that have the trunk of their car organized for each campus, for those that work multiple campuses.  I once had a rolly bag full of everything I thought I would need.  But it always came up short.  And now, my classes are at bad hours (nothing is open) and I have no office.  So I am re-evaluating what I need again.

Right now, I have my Big Red Book, my Chrome book, and a few office supplies in my bag.  What I am planning to eventually include are the BRB, a laptop, portable scanner and printer, possibly a small projector, and office supplies in a bag.  That's a lot of stuff.  But it is stuff I need at weird times, like needing to print out something because I am short something, needing to scan in student papers so I don't lose anything, and a million other things. 

One day, maybe, adjuncts will be treated more equitably within the college structure and we won't have to plan out how to create the best traveling office.

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